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AI Chatbot

Table of Contents

Offer your customers an ai-powered booking service using the power of ai with AI Chatbot. AI recognizes the whole system and creates a suitable booking combination and helps to create a booking according to the messages from the user.

Configure Chatbot

Navigate to BookingHub -> AI Chatbot

  1. Enable AI Chatbot: Enable or Disable Chatbot quickly.
  2. API Key: Fill the OpenAI API Key. You can find your API key at
  3. Show Chatbot Ballon on: You can show the chatbot in frontend or backend.
  4. Position: Ballon position.
  5. Message Limit: You can define limitation of messages. Define 0 if you need to disable limitation.
  6. Limit per seconds: Define seconds per message limit. Example set 3600 for 1 hour.
  7. Disable if user not logged in?: Ensures that the ChatBot Ballon does not appear if the current visitor is not logged in.


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