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You can create coupon codes and incentivize your customers to increase your sales.

Enable Coupons

Navigate to BookingHub -> Settings -> General -> Enable the use of coupon codes

Also enter the coupon id prefix.

Create Coupon

  1. Navigate to BookingHub -> Coupons
  2. Click “Add” button.
    1. Name: Enter name for coupon.
    2. Select Discount Type: Flat or Percentage
    3. Code: Code generating automatically but you can define as you want.
    4. Discount: Discount value
    5. Daterange: Date range for which the discount will be valid
    6. Usage Limit: The code is invalid when this limit is exceeded
    7. Once per: Choose how to reduce the limit
    8. Service Filter: limit the coupon usage to one service
    9. Staff Filter: limit the coupon usage to one staff
    10. Save!

Manage Coupons

  1. Navigate to -> BookingHub -> Coupons.
  2. Edit or Delete Coupon.
  3. Copy Coupon Code.
  4. Code Status.
  5. Usage count.

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